It Is Finished

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Read Time:5 Minute, 22 Second

By Rev Don Rivers

Rev Don Rivers

In life we all take different paths to get to the same place. We travel through life on different agendas, heading in different directions with different things on our mind. With so many of us going in different directions, why is there only one road to God? Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

I like looking at things close up, especially race cars. From a distance you see the body style differences and the different configurations, those are easy to see. When you look closer you start to see the subtle differences. When you talk with the car builder you start to understand the reasoning for why the car was built that way. Many cars all chasing one prize, victory. Which car and driver combination will yield victory?

At any given race there is no shortage of competitors and each one is there to win. Now the reality is, there is only one winner. At the end of the race only one will hold the trophy and claim victory. That is the way it is with racing, we all come with expectations, but in the end only one will come home victorious. So why do we all try? We want the chance to taste the sweet flavor of victory.

Think of it, different cars, some similar but not identical. Different drivers, no two the same. Different directions all hoping it leads to Victory Lane. Sounds a lot like life to me, millions of people going in millions of directions all hoping that in the end they will have achieved victory.

The questions remain; what way is the right way, which road will lead to life, how can I live the best life possible, what do I need to do to secure victory? The answer lies in the definition of victory. What do you think is the best life possible?

I am reminded of the choices; believe it or not there are really only two.

John 10:10; The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

Looking back on the previous columns, we decided that the creator of life should know how to live the best life possible. We looked at how that creator, God, wants to interact with us. When we read this Scripture we see there are only two choices, death or life. Of the two, the road to life leads us to the cross, Jesus Christ, and His sacrifice for us.

Matthew 7:13-14; “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

As with racing we think there are many ways to get to the same place, victory. The fact remains there is only one, Jesus Christ. Why is Jesus the only way? Why can’t I find my own way to God? Why can’t God be who I want Him to be? Why can’t I decide which road I want to take?

We can decide the road we want to take, but the choice isn’t a choice of many roads, it is a choice of two. The road that leads to death and destruction is wide and many take it. The road that leads to life, victory, is narrow and few find it.

One of the most difficult things we will ever decide in life is which road to take. The best part is if we choose the wrong road there is always an opportunity to switch roads and follow the one that leads to victory. God made that provision for us through Jesus Christ. Through Christ we are forgiven, restored and walk in a new direction, the road that leads to life, abundant life, and victory!

How come there is only one road? The reason is there is only one savior. There is only one Christ who sacrificed His life for us. There was only one perfect life and that life was offered to God as a payment for our sins. God accepts that perfect sacrifice and only that perfect sacrifice as restitution for our shortcomings. There is only one way.

We are all the same, we all fall short of perfection. We try but it is not within us to be perfect. There is a corruption in us that leads us away from perfection and away from God. Try as we might, we are powerless against the desires of our mind. The only way to overcome them is to give them up to God and receive His offer of forgiveness. He made that available through Christ.

In racing only one is victorious, but in life through one all can be victorious. Christ gave His life for ours. As he hung on the cross his blood was poured out for us. When He accomplished that He spoke three simple words; “It Is Finished”

With that proclamation the door to life was opened to anyone who would receive it. The road to life was revealed by non-other than God himself in the form of a man, a perfect man, Jesus Christ. As Jesus himself said;

John 14:6; Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

There are many roads to walk in life, many ways to accomplish things. God in His wisdom made us all unique. We all walk different paths but need to have one thing in common, Jesus Christ. He is the one that secures our life in victory. That is the only way to God.

Many have tried before; many religions exist on the planet we call home. But only one way leads to the cross, only one way leads to a Savior, only one way leads to an empty tomb, the road that Jesus Christ walked for us.

Romans 10:9; That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

 Until next time, remember God loves you and Jesus is Lord over Auto Racing! God Bless. Remember, that your prayerful support and donations helps us continue this ministry. Thank You.

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