By Rev Don Rivers
As our 2022 season kicks into full swing, it’s been great to start reconnecting with one another. Chaplain Todd Heft shared some words to encourage us as we Reconnect. Thank you all for your continued support. Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
In early February we headed south to kick off the asphalt and dirt track seasons in Florida. The Whelen Modified tour got an early start with its inaugural race in New Smyrna. After a relatively quiet March, April kicked off with the Icebreaker at Thompson Speedway and another Whelen Modified Tour race this time at Richmond.
While the off-season seems shorter every year, after a time away reconnecting with people at the track gives us a new opportunity to share the love and hope of Jesus Christ with the community. The last few years have been different as we tried to connect yet stay safe. 2022 has had a different hope and outlook, not just for the racing community, but for everyone. Our hope is to see lives changed through the power and salvation of Jesus Christ.
While reconnecting and re-establishing relationships, we also want to help the community re-connect with God. We are believing that God has powerful things planned for 2022. Our schedule is one of the busiest yet but we have a team in place that looks to fulfill what God has set before us. Local track chaplains, touring chaplains and their families have been in prayer for what God is leading them to do this season.
The Apostle Paul understood the importance of being connected. His letters to churches make up a large portion of the New Testament. He knew that in order to grow we must stay connected to other believers and ultimately to God.
Colossians 1:23 NLT “But you must continue to believe this truth and stand firmly in it. Don’t drift away from the assurance you received when you heard the Good News. The Good News has been preached all over the world, and I, Paul, have been appointed as God’s servant to proclaim it.”
As we have embarked on our 42nd season at Racing with Jesus Ministries we ask that you join us in prayer.
Heavenly Father, we thank you for the blessings you have bestowed upon this ministry. We thank you for the service of the dedicated chaplains that have served and continue to serve. We thank you for the supporters of this ministry, may your blessing be upon them. Lord, we ask that you continue to pour out your wisdom and guidance on us as we bring forth your kingdom. Let your hand of protection be over us as we travel. May our lives reflect your great love. May our connections with the community bring forth a connection to you, the giver of all good things. Draw us close to you Lord and may your word continue to go into the community with power and grace. We thank you for all that you bless us with in Jesus’ holy name. Amen.
Thank you, Todd. Please continue to lift up our chaplains. Pray that we would find favor with those who desire to know the saving grace that Jesus offers.
As the leader of the dedicated men and women that serve the racing community, I receive the requests from those we serve. The requests keep coming in! Requests to have chaplains with series, requests to have chaplains at local tracks, requests from people who want to join us and serve the racing community.
God is still in demand and the racing community desires His presence with them. That is tremendously encouraging. We are challenged to make the connections necessary to fill all the requests. We have over 80 Asphalt touring events to cover this year. The dirt side expands that number into the hundreds. Add to that our local presence with chaplains who serve a weekly racing program and we begin to have a complete picture of the community we serve. What may seem an overwhelming task isn’t with God involved. He has a plan and it is good.
One example is Wall Stadium, as some know our chaplain there, Bob Menschner, who had been with Wall Stadium over 50 years, passed away. How do you replace someone like Bob, whose presence was part of the fabric of Wall Stadium? You Don’t. But God provided someone to carry the torch!
We connected with Tom Simmons, someone led by God to contact us and see if there was some way he could help. He was the man God prepared to come in and carry the torch for the ministry that Bob selflessly served Wall Stadium. In addition, Bob’s brother Will has joined us to continue what his brother started. Will shared; “It was what Bob would want me to do.”
God has a plan and if we continue to walk with Him, we will see His plan revealed. I encourage you to reconnect with Him. Seek Him while He can be found and let Him lead your life to places and people you may not have gone to.
We have opportunities for those God has called to serve Him in this capacity. We are always amazed at how God moves and connects people with us. I want to encourage all of you who read this, God is still here, He is still working and He still loves you more than anything.
Despite what you see and hear God is on His throne. I was reminded of the words of Christ this week when he asked His disciples who they thought He was. When Peter answered;
Matthew 16:16-18; NLT; Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”
Jesus replied, “You are blessed, Simon son of John, because my Father in heaven has revealed this to you. You did not learn this from any human being. Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means ‘rock’), and upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it.
The revelation of who Christ is will change the direction of our lives. Making Him the foundation for everything we do will provide a stability that cannot be shaken. As we move through our 42nd year let us help reconnect you with Him. For He is the one building the Kingdom of God.
Until next time, remember God loves you and Jesus is Lord over Auto Racing! God Bless. Remember, that your prayerful support and donations helps us continue this ministry. Thank You.